الثلاثاء، 6 فبراير 2018

#course#Utilities and Environment protection in Refineries

يتشرف المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات ان يقدم لسيادتكم خطة عام 2018 فى مختلف المجالات الادارية والفنية ( املين دائما ان نكون عند حسن ظن سيادتكم فى تقديم الافضل وكل ما هو جديد )

 #course#Utilities and Environment protection in Refineries



The success of every company depends of each employee's understanding of the key business components. Employee training and development will unlock the companies' profitability and reliability. When people, processes and technology work together as a team developing practical solutions, companies can maximize profitability and assets in a sustainable manner. Training and development is an investment in future success – give yourself and your employees the keys to success
This course presents a detailed overview of petroleum refinery processes, wastes, Management of Refinery Waste, Pollution Prevention Options and treatment technology and final disposal methods

New process engineers, process supervisor, and new technicians in relation to the important features of storage and loading facilities

4- 5   days
Day 1

       Petroleum Composition
·         Elemental Composition
·         Chemical Composition
·         Composition by Volatility
·         Composition by Fractionation

·         Density and Specific Gravity
·         Elemental (Ultimate) Analysis

Refinery Products and By-Products
·         Liquefied Petroleum Gas
·         Naphtha, Gasoline, and Solvents
·         Kerosene and Diesel Fuel
·         Fuel Oil
·         Lubricating Oil
·         White Oil, Insulating Oil, and Insecticides
·         Grease
·         Wax
·         Asphalt
·         Coke
Day 2
Hydrocarbon Waste
·         A. Oily waste
·         B. Sludge

Refinery Wastes
Process Wastes
·         Desalting
·         Distillation
·         Visbreaking and Coking
·         Fluid Catalytic Cracking
·         Hydrocracking and Hydrotreating
·         Alkylation and Polymerization
·         Catalytic Reforming
·         Isomerization
·         Deasphalting and Dewaxing
Day 3
·         Residual Oil Storage Tank Sludge

Physical Chemical Properties

Residual Hydrocarbon Waste Composition

Entry into the Environment
·         Storage and Handling of Petroleum
·         Products
·         Release into the Environment

·         Lower-Boiling Constituents
·         Higher-Boiling Constituents
·         Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
·         Wastewater

Day 4
Management of Refinery Waste

Pollution Prevention
·         Refinery Wastes and Treatment
·         Air Emissions
·         Wastewater and Treatment
·         Other Waste and Treatment

Pollution Prevention Options
·         Recycling
·         Treatment Options
·         Adoption of Pollution Reduction Options
Day 5
Refinery Outlook
·         Hazardous Waste Regulations
·         Regulatory Background
·         Requirements

Disposal methods 

 Bassma genedy

Training coordinator



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