الثلاثاء، 6 فبراير 2018


يتشرف المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات ان يقدم لسيادتكم خطة عام 2018 فى مختلف المجالات الادارية والفنية ( املين دائما ان نكون عند حسن ظن سيادتكم فى تقديم الافضل وكل ما هو جديد )


Course objectives :

 To give participants a better understanding of the working and use of the trays and packing installed in many columns for distillation, absorption, stripping, washing,
On completion of the course, the participants should know:
§  The different types of internals, their advantages and disadvantages
§  The main criteria for choice according to their respective operating field
§  The basic features for designing
§  The operating range of installed equipment and how to troubleshoot it.

Course contents:

     Technology and Functioning Of Trays
§  Basics of mass transfer between liquid and vapor: importance of the interface area, viscosity and relative volatility.
§  Definition of some working parameters: efficiency, capacity, flexibility, pressure drop, …
§  Different types of trays: with or without downcomers.
§  Different types of contacting system for the active area: bubble caps, fixed or mobile valves.
§  Hydraulic working and pressure drops.
§  Troubles as flooding, weeping, fouling, …
§  Main parameters to take into account in the design of internals.
§  Specific features for multi-pass trays.
§  Equipment for transition zones as flash zone, changing of pass number, …
§  Aim of high performance trays and functioning. Advantages and fields of use.
§  New technology trays and implementation in the next future.
§  Example:
- Simulation of a tray design; representation of trays in operation (video)

§  Random packing, structured packing, grids.
§  Technology of a packed bed in operation.
§  Operating range and pressure drop.
§  Recent evolution of packing.
§  Liquid or vapor distributors, collectors and redistributors.
§  Impact on the working and performances of packed beds.
§  Example:
- Representation of packing in operation (video); implementation of packing
And evaluation of performances


§  Advantages and disadvantages of trays and packed beds, costs.
§  Respective technical performances: capacity, pressure drops, flexibility, implementation.
§  Detection of the troubles on the field and analysis of the data.
§  Potential solutions and efficiency.
§  Example:
- Revamping an existing column
- Case study of troubled equipment, diagnostic and remedy.

1.      Operation Supervisors,
2.      1st Line Maintenance personnel,
3.      Maintenance Supervisors,
4.      Senior Plant Supervisors,
5.      Operations Engineers
6.      Process Support Engineers,
7.      Design Engineers,
8.      Process and Production staff,
9.      . Projects and Constructions Engineers
10. Utility engineer and operation staff

Course Duration:   5 Days

 Bassma genedy

Training coordinator



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