الثلاثاء، 6 فبراير 2018

#course :Water Analysis and Quality Control

يتشرف المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات ان يقدم لسيادتكم خطة عام 2018 فى مختلف المجالات الادارية والفنية ( املين دائما ان نكون عند حسن ظن سيادتكم فى تقديم الافضل وكل ما هو جديد..............

#course :Water Analysis and Quality Control  

Course Purpose:
The purpose of this required course is to acquaint students with fundamental laboratory
Techniques used in wastewater treatment. Trainees will become familiar with laboratory
Procedures for the physical, chemical and biochemical examination of wastewater. In addition, Trainees will learn to evaluate the data generated by these tests and thereby interpret and Draw conclusions about water quality from the results of these tests.

Course Objective:
Upon completion of the course, trainees should have knowledge of the following,

1.     waste water terminologies
2.     Nature of Oilfield Water
3.     Properties of produced water
4.     Chemistry of  Water
5.     Characterizing oil industry waste water
6.     The general parameters in common with municipal waste water
7.     Environmental regulations
8.     Water specifications
9.     Factors affecting the water treatment
10.                        Process and equipment design
11.                        Chemical treatment
12.                        Chemicals used in water treatment
13.                        Study of water treatment real cases

14.                        Know lab safety
15.                        Use and understand the data train and its importance in reliable data.
16.                        Know proper units and conversions.
17.                        Explain the importance of QA/QC
18.                        Determine sampling preservation procedures.
19.                        Apply general rules for interpreting results.
20.                        Basic wastewater quality tests that include methods of measuring these
21.                        Parameters.
22.                        Evaluate the data generated by these tests.

Ø  People who are making day to day decisions regarding operation, design, and economics of processing plants;
Ø  1st Line Operations personnel,
Ø  Operation Supervisors,
Ø   Maintenance personnel,
Ø  Corrosion engineers
Ø  Maintenance Supervisors,
Ø  Senior Plant Supervisors,
Ø  Operations Engineers
Ø  Process Support Engineers,
Ø  Design Engineers,
Ø  Lab chemists
Ø  Lab technicians

5   days

Course Content
Day 1  
Ø  Nature of Oilfield Water
Ø  Properties of produced water
Ø  Chemistry of  Water
Ø  Characterizing oil industry waste water
Ø  The general parameters in common with municipal waste water
Ø  Environmental regulations
Ø  Water specifications
Ø  Chemical treatment
Ø  Chemicals used in water treatment
Ø  Study of water treatment real cases
Ø  Main reactions during Industrial waste water treatment.
Ø  Introduction to Pollution and its criteria
Ø  Advanced technology in oily water treatment in oil and gas industry
Ø  Water Sampling & Analysis
Ø  Quality Control
Ø  Environmental Measures
Ø  Safety Aspects
Ø  Main sources of polluting effluents in oil and gas industries
Ø  Syllabus, Schedule, Introduction to lab safety
Ø  Data quality, Quality assurance, Accuracy
Ø  Introduction to water chemistry, Water/Wastewater Characteristics
Ø  pH, Temperature, EC, and DO.
Ø  Solids ( TS, TDS, TSS)
Ø  Solids ( FS, VS, Settleable solids)
Ø  Dissolved Oxygen, Chemical Oxygen Demand
Ø  Biological Oxygen Demand
Ø  Ammonia and Cl
Ø  Ortho-phosphorous
Ø  Total phosphorous
Ø  Sample collection techniques
Ø  Field measurements
Ø  Sample labeling (including location(s)) and documentation
Ø  Sample preservation and holding time
Ø  Transfer of custody and shipment of samples
Ø  Quality control
Ø  Data handling and reporting. 

نقوم بتنفيذ دوراتنا بجميع انحاء العالم العربي والاجنبى
الفروع الخاصة بنا ( الامارات العربية المتحدة – جمهورية مصر العربية – قطر – تركيا – ماليزيا )
تعقد الدورات في الدول الاتية:
(دبي- تركيا- ماليزيا - مصر (القاهرة - الاسكندرية - شرم الشيخ) - فيينا – الاردن
- المغرب - لندن - قطر- النمسا- مدريد - باريس- تونس - لبنان - جاكرتا - السعودية (الرياض - جدة - الدمام - الخبر) - نيويورك - واشنطن - سويسرا)

ويمكننا عقد الدورات حسب التاريخ والدولة المناسبة لسيادتكم ايضا

 Bassma genedy

Training coordinator



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