الثلاثاء، 7 نوفمبر 2017

effective human resources management course

المركز الدولي للتدريب و الاستشارات (ITCC):
يسر المركز الدولي للتدريب والاستشارات ان يقدم لكم دورة مؤكدة للربع الاخير لعام 2017

 effective human resources management course

Human Resources are the basic asset for any organization. This course demonstrates the effective utilization of people for achieving
organizational goals. The program would provide an insight into various functions and responsibilities of the HR professional, for example, recruitment, team building, career development &change management.
The course would be full of discussion & exercise groups.
Course Objectives:
-           To fully introduce the roles and responsibilities of Personnel Administration and HR Management.
-           To understand how the Human Resources Function operates as a whole with particular emphasis on H.R. systems such as job grading, grievance and disciplinary systems operate.
-           To improve interviewing skills for recruitment, performance appraisals, grievances and disciplinary procedures
-           To understand the appraisals process
-           To develop skills in staff coaching, counseling and mentoring.
-           To update participants on the latest developments in Personnel Administration and HR Management.
-           Human resources & training managers, supervisors, officers, administrators, representatives & assistants.
-           All Technical Managers, Supervisors & leaders.

Course Outline:

An overview of HR Management

•           The HR Function
•           Personnel Administration
•           Training & Development
•           Compensation & Benefits
•           Manpower Planning

Personnel Administration

-           Customer service
-           Perceptions of personnel
-           The importance of Communication
-           Technology’s impact
-           Personnel Administration Systems
-           B2E – Modern HR Administration

Describing what people do

•           Organizational structure
•           Understanding job and person specifications.
•           Using competencies
•           Job evaluation and grading.

Group exercise: Each group develops training requirements and proposes a methodology for implementation.

Motivation & Benefits

•           What Motivates people?
•           How motivation affects productivity?
•           Compensation & Benefits.
•           Pay scales determination.
•           Individual & Group incentives

Group exercise: Decide compensation package & pay scale for your job description.

Developing interviewing skills

-           Interviewing for recruitment
-           Mentoring skills

Performance Management

•           Appraisal systems and methods
•           Explaining, and coaching managers
•           Grievance and Disciplinary procedures
•           Giving feedback

The role of Training and Development

-           Training Needs Analysis
-           Developing a Training Plan
-           The Fundamentals of Training
-           Succession Planning
-           Planning and organizing inductions
-           Performance Management

Current Developments in HR and Organizations

•           Self Managing Teams
•           Your future development
Workshop Style:

This will be a participative workshop with a mix of interactive learning sessions, exercises and discussions aimed to provide maximum

يقدم المركز الدولى للتدريب والاستشارات العديد من الدورات التدريبية فى جميع المجالات
الهندسة : #الكهربائية، #الجودة ، #الانشائية ، #الميكانيكية ، #البترول ، #الزراعية ، #المساحة
تقنية_معلومات  #امن_وشبكات 
يحصل المتدرب فى نهاية البرنامج التدريبى على :
شهادات معتمدة من المركز الدولي للتدريب والاستشارات (itcc) باللغتين ( العربية والإنجليزية ) مع امكانية إصدار شهادة معتمدة من جامعة كامبريدج

و يسعدنا أن نحيط سيادتكم علماَ بأننا ننفذ جميع الدورات لجميع الهيئات والجهات الحكومية والخاصة

ويدعوكم المركز للتسجيل في احدي دوراتة التدريبية المميزة في العديد من دول العالم
للتسجيل والاستفسار ومعرفة المحتوي العلمي يرجي التواصل:

Miss/ Bassma genedy

Training coordinator



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